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Volvo's big owner in secret loan arrangement for 4 billion

Geely has shares for SEK 24 billion in AB Volvo.

Geely has silently borrowed SEK 4 billion with the help of its shares in the truck giant. Now experts are asking if this is a first sign that the Chinese vehicle giant wants to withdraw from AB Volvo.

0% interest but an opportunity to get cheap Volvo shares in exchange. In short, it is the terms of Chinese Geely's new loan of SEK 4 billion.

The loan was launched in mid-June and is basically constructed as a bond.


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Cranberry 43

Cranberry 43 är en god och smakrik cocktail. Smakprofilen och färgen gör att den passar utmärkt som t ex juldrink. 3 cl Likör 43 1 cl Fireball 4 cl Tranbärsjuice 1,5 cl Limejuice 0,5 cl Grenadin Sockra glaset genom att först blöta ner glaskanten och sedan doppa den i socker. Häll därefter alla ingredienser i en shaker tillsammans med is. Skaka drinken kall. Sila upp i ett cocktailglas.

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