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Today's horoscope

Be kind to yourself and Your health. Avoid investing money on things that others suggest, You will most likely lose everything. There is a risk that it feels tense between you and Your partner or You and Your family. It is also more likely that love becomes fragile and traces out. You should not expect much help from Your work colleagues at work so You can deal with Your tasks on Your own. A spiritual or elderly person will be able to guide You there and give advice.


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Cranberry 43

Cranberry 43 är en god och smakrik cocktail. Smakprofilen och färgen gör att den passar utmärkt som t ex juldrink. 3 cl Likör 43 1 cl Fireball 4 cl Tranbärsjuice 1,5 cl Limejuice 0,5 cl Grenadin Sockra glaset genom att först blöta ner glaskanten och sedan doppa den i socker. Häll därefter alla ingredienser i en shaker tillsammans med is. Skaka drinken kall. Sila upp i ett cocktailglas.

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