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Should a summer day I compare You?

Should a summer day I compare You?
However, You are more gentle and loving than that
Corn sweet buds usually disturb the storm
And the summer's delight, what is as short as that?

Sometimes too fierce the sky glows
Sometimes its gold sight is hidden by fog
Yes, every beauty that nature gives birth
Somehow, change is doomed

But never will Your summer glory move away
Don't You lose what You love
Not in its shadow world death with You boast
Then with my poem immortality You reached

As long as men's spirits breathe, eyes watch
As long as it lives, with it, You both


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Cranberry 43

Cranberry 43 är en god och smakrik cocktail. Smakprofilen och färgen gör att den passar utmärkt som t ex juldrink. 3 cl Likör 43 1 cl Fireball 4 cl Tranbärsjuice 1,5 cl Limejuice 0,5 cl Grenadin Sockra glaset genom att först blöta ner glaskanten och sedan doppa den i socker. Häll därefter alla ingredienser i en shaker tillsammans med is. Skaka drinken kall. Sila upp i ett cocktailglas.

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